8 November 2023 | Dr Helen Webberley (MBCHB MRCGP MFSRH)
Exploring the Hidden World of the Vaginal Microbiome
Women's health is influenced by the complex ecosystem of the vaginal microbiome. Testing this ecosystem can help diagnose and manage conditions like bacterial vaginosis and recurrent UTIs, improving women's health outcomes.
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7 March 2023 | Dr Helen Webberley (MBCHB MRCGP MFSRH)
The Menstrual Cycle and Mood: Understanding the Phases and Potential Impact on Women's Health
The menstrual cycle is a complex physiological process that occurs in women of reproductive age, and it is regulated by hormonal changes. It involves several phases, each with distinct hormonal changes and impacts on mood, fertility, and overall health.
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Taking Care of Your Vaginal Health: Optimising the Vaginal Microbiome
1 February 2023 | Jennifer May (BHSc (Nut Med), Adv.Dip.Nut.Med, ATMS, MINDD)
Hormone Testing vs. Saliva Hormone Testing – which option to choose?
1 February 2023 | Dr. Raj Joshi (MBChB, MRCGP, Dip Mtn Med, Dip FIPT, FRGS)
Serum Hormone Testing vs. Saliva Hormone Testing for Men
1 June 2022 | Dr. Raj Joshi (MBChB, MRCGP, Dip Mtn Med, Dip FIPT, FRGS)
Optimising your health with nutritional medicine
29 July 2021 | Jennifer May (BHSc (Nut Med), Adv.Dip.Nut.Med, ATMS, MINDD)
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The forgotten organ - the thriving population that lives in your gut
4 January 2021 | Dr. Raj Joshi (MBChB, MRCGP, Dip Mtn Med, Dip FIPT, FRGS)
Recognising the signs of hormone imbalance
1 December 2020 | Dr. Raj Joshi (MBChB, MRCGP, Dip Mtn Med, Dip FIPT, FRGS)
8 reasons to get your thyroid checked
24 October 2018 | Dr Kim Cheah (MBBS FRCPA)
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Cranking your Vitamin D levels can help beat the Winter Blues
16 June 2018 | Amelia Thornycroft (BMedSci)
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Unpacking your gut health
8 January 2018 | Dr. Raj Joshi (MBChB, MRCGP, Dip Mtn Med, Dip FIPT, FRGS)
Feeling burnt out? It could be adrenal fatigue
20 October 2017 | Amelia Thornycroft (BMedSci)
Are Australians really getting healthier?
24 September 2017 | Amelia Thornycroft (BMedSci)
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Cracking the SADs
17 May 2017 | Amelia Thornycroft (BMedSci)
So I’ve got high cholesterol – now what?
23 March 2017 | Dr. Raj Joshi (MBChB, MRCGP, Dip Mtn Med, Dip FIPT, FRGS)
7 ways anabolic steroids affect your health
17 March 2017 | Dr Stephen Beattie (MBChB MRCGP)
5 ways to restore your adrenal health
3 March 2017 | Dr. Raj Joshi (MBChB, MRCGP, Dip Mtn Med, Dip FIPT, FRGS)