Are you on the right path?
Type 2 diabetes means your body has stopped processing glucose (sugar) properly. This causes an excess to build up in your blood, leading to cell damage and a variety of health problems. Unlike type 1 diabetes, which is an autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes is predominantly a lifestyle disease. Diagnosis is straightforward with a simple diabetes test which measures HbA1c.

Most people don’t know they have diabetes until it’s too late. They sometimes ignore early warning signs, such as feeling thirsty all the time or finding skin injuries take longer to heal. But often there are no warning signs at all. Symptoms can have a swift onset and be as severe as reduced vision, kidney failure and erectile dysfunction.
The good news is that type 2 diabetes is largely preventable and easy to predict. To find out if you’re on the path to diabetes and how to prevent it, all you need is a simple diabetes test.